From our headquarters in Mol over our satellite offices in Antwerp-Berchem, Genk or Ostend, to occasionally working from home. You go where your activities take you.
You can find directions to all our offices on our contact page

Jobs in Mol
Roderveldlaan 5
2600 Berchem
T +32 32 95 22 38

Jobs in Berchem
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EnergyVille Genk
Thor Park 8310
3600 Genk
Tel. +32 (0)89 399 70

Jobs in VITO/EnergyVille Genk
VITO WaterClimateHub
Ostend Bluebridge (Offices 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 & 2008)
Wetenschapspark 1
8400 Ostend