From our headquarters in Mol over our satellite offices in Antwerp-Berchem, Genk or Ostend, to occasionally working from home. You go where your activities take you.

You can find directions to all our offices on our contact page

Headquarters: Mol

Boeretang 200
2400 Mol

Tel.: +32 14 33 55 11 

Hoofdkantoor VITO NV

Jobs in Mol


Roderveldlaan 5
2600 Berchem

T +32 32 95 22 38

vito berchem

Jobs in Berchem

VITO WaterClimateHub

Ostend Bluebridge (Offices 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 & 2008)
Wetenschapspark 1
8400 Ostend


VITO - locations - Oostende, Bluebridge

Jobs in Ostend