IT & Data Science

Whether you’re processing data coming from outer space or developing new means of health data storage – working in ICT & Data Science at VITO means taking your work to the next level. Join more than 100 ICT & Data visioneers in developing a more sustainable world. 

VITO - actions - IT & Data Science

We share the same vision when

  • you want to use data to do good, 
  • innovation is more than a buzzword to you, 
  • you are eager to share your knowledge with and learn from colleagues from different backgrounds.

In ICT & Data you might work on/with

  • Remote Sensing for ESA
  • Digital (Virtual) Twins for health centers
  • Tools for the Flemish Government
Arnout - Data Scientist

The more I learn, the more I realise that I actually know nothing. But that is what makes it interesting. VITO is a container full of knowledge that you can continue to draw from.

VITO - people - PhD - IT'er

What can you expect 
when working at VITO?

  • Activity-based working
  • Data-driven research
  • Work that you can boast about
  • An inspiring environment
  • Activity-based working
    Two times a week, you’ll be at our HQ in Mol. The rest of your time can be spent at home or in one of our satellite offices in Antwerp-Berchem, Genk, Ghent or Ostend.
  • Data-driven research
    We combine modern statistics, advanced ICT technologies and state-of-the-art domain knowledge. This accelerates the transition towards a data-driven research approach. Creating knowledge, speeding up the research cycle and increasing scientific excellence.
  • Work that you can boast about
    Your work at VITO is tangible. Your family might not know what Python DevOps means, but we bet they do know about GPS systems! You’ll work with partners like the European Space Agency, the Flemish Government and universities worldwide to share expertise and knowledge. 
  • An inspiring environment
    Surround yourself with like-minded visioneers. Immerse yourself in a learning culture. Get to know people from around the world with their own expertise, working together. 
Ramses - Full Stack Developer

My work goes beyond working with cutting-edge technology. We also work on sustainable projects. We are trying to improve the world little by little and that is a very beautiful and noble goal. This social added value makes me very proud to work at VITO.

IT & Data Science jobs at VITO